清华主页 EN

On the Feigin-Tipunin's construction

来源: 10-27

时间:2023-10-27, FRIDAY 15:30-16:30

地点:B627, Shuangqing Complex Building

组织者:Will Donovan, Penghui Li, Peng Shan, Changjian Su, Lin Chen

主讲人:Shoma Sugimoto (YMSC)


The induced G-module of a VOA with a B-action again has a VOA structure (Feigin-Tipunin's construction). In the original preprint of FT and my papers, we used this technique to construct the (1,p)-VOA from a lattice VOA with a good B-action and proved some basic results. As a matter of fact, it is the good B-module structure, not the VOA structure, that plays an essential role in the proof of these results. Therefore, It is expected that we can construct and study interesting VOAs from other VOAs with similar B-actions using the FT construction. In this talk, I will outline the FT construction and my results, and then discuss future works relating the FT construction to plumbed 3-manifolds.
