Abstract: Non-abelian Hodge theory relates representations of the fundamental group of a compact Riemann surface X into a Lie group G with holomorphic objects on X known as Higgs bundles, introduced by Hitchin more than 35 years ago. Starting with the case in which G is the circle, and the 19th century Abel-Jacobi's theory, we will move to the case of G=SL(2,R) and the relation to Teichmüller t...
Tsinghua-BIMSA symplectic geometry seminarOrganizers:Kenji Fukaya, Honghao Gao, Hang Yuan(BIMSA)Speaker:Siyang LiuUniversity of Southern CaliforniaTime:Wed., 14:00-15:00Dec. 18, 2024Venue:C548, Shuangqing Complex Building ATitle: Symplectic Aspects of Representation Theory of Hypertoric VarietiesAbstract:In this talk we will discuss a symplectic model for T-equivariant hypertoric category ...