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BIMSA-YMSC Number Theory Lunch Seminar | Numbers in modular tensor categories

来源: 11-08

时间:Wed., 12:00-13:00, Nov.8, 2023

地点:BIMSA A4-1

组织者:Yong Suk Moon, Koji Shimizu

主讲人:Yilong Wang 王亦龙 BIMSA

This is an in-person seminar at BIMSA over lunch, aimed to promote communications in the Number Theory teams at BIMSA and YMSC. Each talk is 45 minutes long and does not focus on research results. Instead, we encourage each speaker to discuss either (1) a basic notion in Number Theory or related fields or (2) applications or computational aspects of Number Theory. People interested in Number Theory are welcome to attend.


Modular tensor categories (MTCs) are finite tensor categories giving interesting SL(2, Z) representations. They can be viewed as generalizations of quadratic forms and their Weil representations. In this talk, I will give a quick introduction to MTCs, and briefly explain how, via the congruence property and Galois symmetry of the associated SL(2, Z) representations, basic algebraic number theory appears in the study of MTCs.

Note: The lunch gathering starts at noon, and the talk begins at 12:15.
