清华主页 EN

Dispersionless integrable hierarchies and Loewner type equations

来源: 11-06

时间:2023-11-06 Mon 13:30-15:15

地点:A6-1 ZOOM: 873 9209 0711(PW: BIMSA)

组织者:Nicolai Reshetikhin, Andrey Tsiganov, Ivan Sechin

主讲人:Takashi Takebe BIMSA


Dispersionless integrable hierarchies are obtained as certain limits of classical integrable hierarchies such as the KP hierarchy and the Toda lattice hierarchy. They were introduced in 1990's and studied first, for example, in relation to string theory. In this century it was found that dispersionless hierarchies are closely related to the theory of conformal mappings. I shall talk about the relation of dispersionless hierarchies and the Loewner equations for conformal mappings.

Speaker Intro

Takashi Takebe is a researcher of mathematical physics, in particular integrable systems. He worked as a professor at the faculty of mathematics of National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia, till August 2023 and joined BIMSA as a professor in September 2023.

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