清华主页 EN

Geometric Representation Theory Seminar | Fusion product and Global modules

来源: 11-24

时间:Fri., 3:30-4:30 pm, Nov. 24, 2023

地点:Shuangqing Complex Building B627

组织者:Will Donovan, Penghui Li, Peng Shan Changjian Su, Lin Chen

主讲人:Huanhuan Yu 余欢欢 BICMR


Let g be a finite dimensional simple Lie algebra. In this talk, I will start with the definition of fusion product of g[t]-modules, and then introduce several approaches to study it, such as the global modules and Borel-Weil type theorem. In the meantime, I will talk about some partial results on the fusion product and applications including my work on twisted global Demazure modules joint with Jiuzu Hong.

About the speaker

Huanhuan Yu is a postdoc at Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research. His reaserch interest is Geometric Representation Theory.
