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Caltech-Tsinghua Joint Colloquium | Irregular conformal blocks and braiding properties

来源: 12-06

时间:Wednesday, December 6 9:00 am (Beijing Time)

地点:Zoom Link: https://caltech.zoom.us/j/83185685455

主讲人:Xia Gu Tsinghua University


In this talk, I would like to report our recent work arXiv: 2301.07957 & 2311.07960. We constructed the rank-1 irregular field in the free boson theory and computed the conformal blocks with one irregular field insertion using the integral representations.

We obtained the monodromy and the braiding representations of these blocks by deforming the integral contours. Time permits, I will also talk about the relations of our results with the Stokes phenomena and the flat connection on conformal bundles.
