AbstractIf C is a smooth projective complex curve, the nonabelian Hodge correspondence gives adiffeomorphism between the coarse moduli space of degree d rank r semistable Higgs bundles onC, and r-dimensional d-twisted representations of the fundamental group of the underlying Riemannsurface of C. lf r and d are not coprime, there are strictly semistables with nontrivial stabilizers, andit perha...
摘 要:Motivic cohomology, originated from Deligne, Beilinson and Lichtenbaum and developed by Voevodsky, is a kind of cohomology theory on schemes. It admits comparison with étale cohomology of powers of roots of unity (Beilinson-Lichtenbaum), together with higher Chow groups, and relates to K-theory by Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence. In this lecture, we establish the category of motives...