清华主页 EN

The $\Delta$-Twisted Homology and Fiber Bundle Structure of The Twisted Simplicial Sets

来源: 12-11

时间:2023-12-11 Mon 14:30-15:30

地点:A3-4-101 ZOOM: 230 432 7880(PW: BIMSA)

组织者:Matthew Burfitt, Tyrone Cutler, Jingyan Li, Jie Wu, Jiawei Zhou

主讲人:Mengmeng Zhang Hebei Normal University & BIMSA


In this talk, I will firstly review some kinds of homology such as weighted homology, $\delta$-homology, $\delta$-twisted homology. Then we define a $\Delta$-twisted homology on simplicial set, which can unify above homologies. Moreover, inspired by the classical twisted Cartesian product introduced by Barratte, Gugenheim, Moore, we also explore the fiber bundle structure on $\Delta$-twisted simplicial sets.
