Abstract:In this talk, I will discuss the motivic decomposition of a smooth hyperplane section in twisted Milnor Hypersurfaces. The key feature of our result is the appearance of a spectrum of a particular field in the decomposition. A critical ingredient is in the non-triviality of the (monodromy) Galois action on the equivariant Chow group. The steps of our proof can be likened to several th...
Abstract:Last time, we reviewed the topologically twisted indices from the holonomy matrix method for 3-manifolds constructed by Dehn surgery of knot/link complements. This time, we are going to review the other method using the ideal triangulation based on Dimofte-Gaiotto-Gukov and Dimofte-Garoufalidis.Specifically, we'll review combinatorial data of ideal triangulation of 3-manifolds with n-...