清华主页 EN

Differential Geometry Seminar | Oka tubes in holomorphic line bundles

来源: 12-19

时间:2023-12-19, Tuesday 21:00 - 22:00

地点:Zoom Meeting ID: 271 534 5558 Passcode: YMSC

组织者:Jialong Deng, Akito Futaki

主讲人:Yuta Kusakabe Kyoto University


A complex manifold is called an Oka manifold if continuous maps from Stein manifolds can be deformed into holomorphic maps with approximation and interpolation. Oka manifolds are characterized by a certain kind of ellipticity which is the opposite of Kobayashi-Eisenman-Brody hyperbolicity. Based on the fact that the zero section of a negative line bundle on a compact complex manifold admits a basis of pseudo-Kobayashi hyperbolic neighborhoods, we discuss the question of when the zero section of a line bundle admits a basis of Oka neighborhoods. This talk is based on joint work with Franc Forstnerič.

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