清华主页 EN

YMSC Topology Seminar| Skeins, clusters and wavefunctions

来源: 12-26

时间:2023-12-26, Tuesday 16:00-17:00

地点:C654, Shuangqing Complex Building;Zoom meeting ID: 405 416 0815 Pw: 111111

组织者:陈伟彦、高鸿灏、黄意、江怡 、林剑锋

主讲人:Mingyuan HU 胡明源 Northwestern University


We are going to explain the three words in the title and how they’re related. To be more specific, we consider a class of Lagrangians in C^3. Their Ekholm-Shende wavefunctions live in the HOMFLY skein module, encoding open Gromov-Witten invariants in all genus and with arbitrary numbers of boundary components. We develop a skein theoretical cluster theory, prove that these wavefunctions are related to each other under "cluster mutation", and hence compute them. This is joint work with Gus Schrader and Eric Zaslow.

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