AbstractTitle I: Igusa stacks and exotic Hecke correspondences IAbstract: Igusa stacks are conjectural p-adic analytic objects related to Shimura varieties, which were conjectured to exist by Scholze. In this talk I aim to give motivation for this conjecture, as well as a review of some of the objects involved. I will then discuss my joint work with Patrick Daniels, Dongryul Kim and Mingjia Zha...
AbstractRecently, with Gardner and Mathew, I have constructed well-behaved stacks of prismatic (G,mu)displays, which give a "inear algebraic’ construction of p-divisible groups with additional structureThis verifies some conjectures of Drinfeld. in this talk, I'll give an impressionistic overview of theseobjects, and explain how they can be used to get a fresh understanding-in the hyperspecial...