Asai L-functions for GLn are related to the arithmetic of Asai motives. The twisted Gan—Gross—Prasad conjecture opens a way of studying (a twist of) central Asai L-values via descents and period integrals. I will consider an arithmetic analog of the conjecture on central derivatives using unitary Shimura varieties. I will formulate and prove a twisted arithmetic fundamental lemma.
I am a Szegö Assistant Professor at Stanford University since Fall 2023. I work with Richard Taylor and Xinwen Zhu.
I am broadly interested in arithmetic geometry, number theory, representation theory and Bruhat-Tits theory.
Postdoctoral researcher (Spring 2023) at MSRI, the Euler System program.
PHD at MIT (2018-2022) under the supervision of Wei Zhang (and Zhiwei Yun).
Undergraduate at Tsinghua Univeristy (2014-2018), visiting student at École normale supérieure (Spring 2018).