清华主页 EN

A Betti stratification of Apolar ideals to Quaternary quartics I | Commutative Algebra Seminar in Beijing

来源: 03-07

时间:2024-03-09 Sat 09:30-11:30


组织者:Manolis Tsakiris, Ming Fang, Beihui Yuan

主讲人:Beihui Yuan BIMSA


We are going to have two lectures on this topic. In the first lecture, I am going to talk about two motivating problems: power sum decomposition and structure of arithmetic Artinian Gorenstein rings. These problems are related by duality, which we call apolarity. To analyze these problems, we are going to introduce some invariants and techniques, as well as geometry intuition behind them.

Speaker Intro

Beihui Yuan gained her Ph.D. degree from Cornell University in 2021. She has joined BIMSA in 2023. Her current research interests include application of commutative algebra in pure and applied mathematics problems.
