AbstractIn the second of two lectures,l am going to draw people's attention to the`geometry of syzygies". We begin with a research problem from geometry: Findingall Gorenstein Calabi-Yau varieties. In dimension 3 cases, their coordinate rings have regularity 4.There are 16 Betti diagrams for such graded Gorenstein algebras with projective dimension 4. Byapolarity, they correspond to degree 4 fo...
AbstractIn the first lecture I will give an introduction to toric algebras. toric algebra can be seen as a monomial subalgebra, or as a quotient of apolynomial ring by a binomialprime ideal. We will discuss how to move between these two presentations, and compute the Krull dimension of a torialgebra. The monomial preentation provides a link betwen combinatorial obiects and algebraic structures....