清华主页 EN

Geometric Representation Theory Seminar | Duality theorems for Iwahori Lie algebras and Highest weight categories

来源: 03-08

时间:Fri., 14:00-15:30, Mar. 8. 2024

地点:B627, Shuangqing Complex Building A 清华大学双清综合楼A座 B627

组织者:Will Donovan, Penghui Li Peng Shan, Changjian Su, Lin Chen

主讲人:Yevgen Makedonskyi (BIMSA)


There are various classical duality theorems such as Schur-Weyl duality, Howe duality etc. We prove the versions of these theorems for current and related Lie algebras. I will explain how these theorems follow from the highest weight structure on the category of representations.
