清华主页 EN

Derived symmetries for crepant resolutions of hypersurfaces

来源: 03-08

时间:Fri., 15:30-16:30, Mar. 8. 2024

地点:The second teaching building 402 清华大学第二教学楼402; Zoom Meeting ID: 262 865 5007 Passcode: YMSC

组织者:Caucher Birkar,曲三太, 陈炳仪

主讲人:Will Donovan (YMSC)


Given a singularity with a crepant resolution, a symmetry of the derived category of coherent sheaves on the resolution may often be constructed. I discuss work in progress on general constructions of such symmetries for hypersurface singularities. This builds on previous results with Segal, and is inspired by work of Bodzenta-Bondal.
