清华主页 EN

YMSC Probability Seminar | The scaling limit of the volume of loop-O(n) quadrangulations

来源: 04-10

时间:Thursday, 16:00-17:00 April 11, 2024

地点:C548 Shuangqing Complex Building 双清综合楼C548


主讲人:胡行健 (复旦大学)


In this talk we will discuss the O(n) loop model on quadrangulations. We will first introduce the model, its basic properties and several related work for preliminaries. Then we discuss the volume of maps and state our scaling limit result for the volume of the O(n) quadrangulations. In the end, we will state the outline of our proof and some observations of the relationship with branching random walk. This talk is based on joint work with Élie Aïdékon (Fudan University) and William Da Silva (University of Vienna).
