AbstractThis talk focuses on the simulation of fermionic systems on arbitrary graphs, including two-dimensional lattices. We start by examining the one-dimensional Jordan-Wigner transformation and its expansion to two-dimensional exact bosonization. This method is crucial for simulating fermions using emergent fermions in the ℤ2 toric code. We then discuss how fermionic observables and Pauli m...
Speaker: Yizhuang YouOrganizer: Zhengwei Liu (BIMSA)Date: 2022.05.06 Fri. Time: 14:00-15:00 Zoom: 427 154 2002(PW: BIMSA)Abstract:Quantum state tomography is an essential task in quantum information processing, which aims to reconstruct an unknown quantum state from data collected from repeated measurements. Classical shadow tomography is recently proposed as efficient qu...