清华主页 EN

Why do we construct heights? | Number Theory Lunch Seminar

来源: 04-17

时间:2024-04-18 Thu12:15-13:00


组织者:Yong-Suk Moon, Koji Shimizu

主讲人:Arnaud Plessis BIMSA


Heights may be viewed as a tool that turns geometry into arithmetic. l will explain this bridgethrough a few concrete examples.

Speaker Intro

Arnaud Plessis is an assistant professor at BlMSA from September 2023. His research is mainlyfocused on diophantine geometry. He obtained his Phd. thesis in 2019 at Universit de CaenNormandie. Before ioining BlMSA, he has been Attach Temporaire d'Enseianement et deRecherche (a kind of postdoctoral with course duties) at Universit Grenoble Alpes from Septembel2019 to August 2020. Then, he has been postdoctor at Morningside Center of MathematicsChinese Academy of Sciences, from September 2020 to August 2023.
