清华主页 EN

The Laplacian Gz flow with bounded scalar curvature | BIMSA Differential Geometry Seminar

来源: 04-28

时间:2024-04-29 Mon 15:00-16:00

地点:A3-4-301 ZOOM: 435 529 7909 BIMSA

组织者:Lynn Heller, Sebastian Heller, Kotaro Kawai

主讲人:Chuanhuan Li Beijing Normal University


At first, l will review some basic knowledge of Gz geometry. Then, l will introduce the LaplacianGz flow and review some results about its long time existence. Lastly, l wil talk about our resultabout the long time existence of the Laplacian Gz flow with bounded scalar curvature and Cl normof Weyl tensor. This talk is based on a joint work with Professor Yi Li.
