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Categorical g-deformed rational numbers via Bridgeland stability conditions | Geometry and Dynamics Seminar

来源: 05-14

时间:2024-05-15 Wed 12:30-13:30

地点:A3-1-101 Zoom: 928 682 9093 BIMSA

组织者:Yu-Wei Fan

主讲人:Asilata Bapat Australian National University


We will discuss new categorical interpretations of two distinct g-deformations of the rationalnumbers. The first one, introduced by Morier-Genoud and Ovsienko in a diferent context, enjoysfascinating combinatorial, topological, and algebraic properties. The second one is a natural partnelto the first, and is new. We obtain these deformations via boundary points of a compactification ofthe space of Bridgeland stability conditions on the 2-Calabi--.Yau category of the A2 quiver. The talkis based on joint work with Louis Becker, Anand Deopurkar, and Anthony Licata.

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