清华主页 EN

Algebraic Geometry Seminar | Contact loci of arcs

来源: 05-30

时间:Friday, 15:30-16:30 May 31, 2024

地点:C548, Shuangqing;Zoom Meeting ID: 262 865 5007 Passcode: YMSC

组织者:Caucher Birkar, 曲三太,陈炳仪

主讲人:Nero Budur (KU Leuven)


Contact loci are sets of arcs on a variety with prescribed contact order along a fixed subvariety. They appear in motivic integration, where motivic zeta functions are generating series for classes of contact loci in appropriate Grothendieck groups. We give an overview of recent results relating the basic topology of contact loci of hypersurfaces with a Floer theory and with log minimal models.

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