清华主页 EN

Generalized Ricci surfaces | BlMSA Differential Geometry Seminar

来源: 05-26

时间:2024-05-27 Mon 15:00-17:00

地点:A3-4-301 ; Zoom: 435 529 7909 BIMSA

组织者:Lynn Heller, Sebastian Heller, Kotaro Kawai

主讲人:Yiming Zang North China University of Technology


We consider smooth Riemannian surfaces whose curvature K satisfies the eguationAlogK-c=aK+b away from points where K=c for some (a,b, c) eIR3, which we callgeneralized Ricci surfaces. This equation generalize a result of Ricci, which provides a necessaryand sufficient condition for the surface to be (locally) minimally and isometrically immersed inEuclidean 3-space. in the first part of this talk, we prove some basic properties of generalized Riccisurfaces, in order to show that these surfaces are related to many geometric objects. in the secondpart, we mainly focus on compact generalized Ricci surfaces: we obtain topological obstructionsand construct examples. This is a joint work with Benoit Daniel..
