清华主页 EN

Integrability in quasi-one-dimensional quantum magnet | BIMSA-Tsinghua String Seminar

来源: 06-05

时间:2024-06-06 Thu 14:00-15:00

地点:A3-1-301 Zoom:637 734 0280 BIMSA

组织者:Fengjun Xu, Wei Cui

主讲人:Yunfeng JiangYAUC, Southeast University


Quantum integrable systems are exactly solvable many-body systems which exhibit rich andbeautiful mathematical structures. For a while they were considered to be toy models which areonly of interest for mathematical physics. In recent years, however, quantum integrable systemsemerge from a plethora of experiments ranging from cold atom experiments, guantum material andsuperconducting guantum circuits. In this talk, we report recent results on guantum integrability in aquasi-one-dimensional quantum magnet CoNb,Os. lts low energy spin dynamics can be describedby a quantum lsing ladder composed of two weakly coupled critical transverse field lsing chains. inthe continuum limit, the lsing ladder is described by a massive integrable quantum field theorywhose scattering matrix and spectrum are characterized by the D!) Lie algebra. We will discussthis model and its emergent integrability. In particular, we compute dynamical structure factorsanalytically using form factor bootstrap approach and compare the result with numericalcalculations and experiments.
