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Gravity on Null Hypersurfaces: Geometry, Dynamics, Symplectica,Quantization | BIMSA-Tsinghua String Seminar

来源: 06-10

时间:2024-06-11 Tue 14:00-15:30

地点:A3-2-303 Zoom:637 734 0280 BIMSA

组织者:Fengjun Xu, Wei Cui

主讲人:Luca CiambelliPerimeter Institute


After presenting an intrinsic description of the geometry of null hypersurfaces, we show howEinstein's equations, that is, the Raychaudhuri and Damour eguations, can be recast as theconservation law of a Carrolian stress tensor. We then derive the symplectic structure and computethe kinematic Poisson bracket of elementary fields. These comprise the spin-0 area and surfacetension, the spin-1 null vector field and generalized angular momentum, and the spin-2 degeneratemetric and shear. Time permitting, we discuss selected topics in the quantization of this phasespace: the Raychaudhuri OPE, the spin-0 beta-gamma system, and the mesoscopic quantumgravity regime.


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