清华主页 EN

Flat virtual links and knot invariants | Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

来源: 06-11

时间:2024-06-12 Wed 15:30-17:00

地点:Venue: A3-2-301 Zoom:831 5020 0580 141592

组织者:Vassily Manturov

主讲人:Darya Popova


In the talk l will review a way of constructing invariants of knots in S^3, thickened torus andthickened cylinder that was introduced by V. O. Manturov and l. M. Nikonov. The idea is to map theknots to flat virtual diagrams and use invariants of flat virtual diagrams. Besides l will talk about myfindings on the diagrams which we get by this approach and how they lead to a hypothesis that thepotential of this approach for getting very strong invariants of knots is small.
