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Microlocal Sheaves on Affine Slodowy Slices | GRASP seminar

来源: 06-18

时间:2024-06-19 Wed15:30-16:30

地点:A3-2-303 Zoom:242 742 6089 BIMSA

组织者:Pengfei Huang, Tao Su, Hao Sun

主讲人:Michael McBreenChinese University of Hong Kong


I will describe certain moduli of wild higgs bundles on the line, and explain why they are affineanalogues of Slodowy slices. l wil then describe an equivalence between microlocal sheaves on aparticular such space and a block of representations of the small quantum group. Joint work withRoman Bezrukavnikov, Pablo Boixeda Alvarez and Zhiwei Yun.
