清华主页 EN

Towards a complexification of Donaldson-Witten TQFT

来源: 09-24

时间:Wed., 15:30-16:30, Sept. 25, 2024

地点:C654, Shuangqing Complex Building A

组织者:Xiang He, Chenglong Yu, Dingxin Zhang, Jie Zhou

主讲人:Yalong Cao

Moduli Spaces and Related Topics


Xiang He, Chenglong Yu, Dingxin Zhang, Jie Zhou


Yalong Cao 曹亚龙 (MCM & CAS)


Wed., 15:30-16:30, Sept. 25, 2024


C654, Shuangqing Complex Building A

清华大学双清综合楼A座 C654


Towards a complexification of Donaldson-Witten TQFT


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