清华主页 EN

The reverse Burnett conjecture for null dusts

来源: 10-15

时间:Wednesday 10:00am-12:00 Oct. 16, 2024

地点:Jingzhai 105

组织者:Lars Andersson, Pieter Blue, Siyuan Ma and Pin Yu

主讲人:Bohua Tian

Waves, gravitation, and geometry


Lars Andersson, Pieter Blue, Siyuan Ma and Pin Yu


Bohua Tian (YMSC)


Wednesday 10:00am-12:00

Oct. 16, 2024


Jingzhai 105


Zoom518 868 7656

Password: BIMSA


The reverse Burnett conjecture for null dusts


In this seminar, we will study wave equations particularly nonlinear wave equations, from a geometric perspective, and inspired by the dynamics in general relativity. Among the topics of interest are black holes, stability, long-term dynamics, low-regularity, fluids, and shocks. We will have a combination of external and local speakers, including students. This is coorganised by Pieter Blue, Ma Siyuan, and Yu Pin.

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