清华主页 EN

Abelianization in analysis of ODEs

来源: 10-16

时间:Thur., 04:00 am, Oct. 17, 2024 (Beijing time)

地点:Zoom Webinar Registration https://harvard.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FdXunKh_TmmLF0GxpPwAYg#/registration

组织者:CMSA, Harvard University

主讲人:Andrew Neitzke

CMSA/Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul Bott


CMSA, Harvard University


Andrew Neitzke

Yale University


Thur., 04:00 am, Oct. 17, 2024 (Beijing time)


Zoom Webinar Registration



Abelianization in analysis of ODEs


I will describe the exact WKB method for asymptotic analysis of families of ODEs in one variable, and its interpretation as a kind of abelianization procedure, which replaces GL(N)-connections over a Riemann surface by GL(1)-connections over an N-fold branched cover. This abelianization procedure connects exact WKB to various subjects in geometry (cluster algebras, moduli of Higgs bundles, enumerative geometry). One application is a conjectural description of Hitchin’s hyperkahler metric on the moduli of Higgs bundles; I will review some recent progress on these conjectures.

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