AbstractThe geometric P=W conjecture is a conjectural description of the asymptotic behaviour of acelebrated correspondence in non-abelian Hodge theory. in a joint work with Enrica Mazzon andMatthew Stevenson, we establish the full geometric conjecture for compact Riemann surfaces ofgenus one, and obtain partial results in arbitrary genus: this is the first non-trivial evidence of theconiecture...
Time Lecture 1. May 16 (09:50-11:25)Lecture 2. May 17 (09:50-11:25)Lecture 3. May 19 (09:50-11:25)Lecture 4. May 22 (15:20-16:55)Lecture 5. May 23 (09:50-11:25)Lecture 6. May 24 (09:50-11:25)Lecture 7. May 26 (09:50-11:25)Lecture 8. May 29 (15:20-16:55)Lecture 9. May 30 (09:50-11:25)SpeakerResearch AreasAlgebraic Geometry, Algebraic CyclesResearch Interests Regulators and the arithmetic and ge...