YMSC Topology Seminar
Wen-Bo Li李文博
BICMR, Peking University
Thur., 16:00-17:00, Oct. 24, 2024
B725, Shuangqing Complex Building
Zoom Meeting ID: 405 416 0815
Passcode: 111111
On dynamical Kapovich-Kleiner conjecture
The Kapovich-Kleiner conjecture predicts that Gromov hyperbolic groups with Sierpiński carpet boundaries admit geometric actions on a convex subset of hyperbolic 3-space with a nonempty totally geodesic boundary. An equivalent version of this conjecture can be phrased as the Sierpiński carpet boundaries can be embedded into the Riemann sphere by a quasisymmetry.
Following Sullivan's dictionary, which draws analogies between group theory and dynamics, we present a dynamical analog of this conjecture using Thurston maps —branched coverings of the 2-sphere with finite postcritical sets. We characterize when subsystems of these maps, with tile maximal invariant sets homeomorphic to the Sierpiński carpet, are topologically conjugate to subsystems of postcritically-finite rational maps. This holds if and only if the invariant set can be quasisymmetrically embedded into the Riemann sphere, or equivalently, if there is no Thurston obstruction for the subsystem. Our results bridge uniformization in dynamics with conjectures in geometric group theory. This is a joint work with Mario Bonk (UCLA) and Zhiqiang Li (Peking University).