清华主页 EN

Double Affine Hecke Algebras beyond genus one

来源: 10-25

时间:17:00-17:45, 2024-10-28


主讲人:Semeon Arthamonov

BIMSA Member Seminar

Double Affine Hecke Algebras beyond genus one

Speaker: Semeon Arthamonov (BIMSA)

Time: 17:00-17:45, 2024-10-28

Venue: A6-1

Zoom: 388 528 9728

Password: BIMSA

Speaker Intro

Dr. Semeon Arthamonov has been studying Applied Mathematics and Physics at Moscow Institute of Physics and Techonology where he received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees. In 2013 he entered the graduate program in Mathematics at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey where he defended his PhD thesis in 2018 under the supervision of Prof. V. Retakh. He has then held visiting and postdoctoral positions at the University of California Berkeley, Centre de Recherces Mathematiques Montreal and University of Toronto before joining BIMSA in July 2024 as an Associate Professor.

Member Seminar Intro

The BIMSA member seminar is a weekly event during which researchers engage in discussions about their extensive research interests, addressing a diverse audience that includes fellow researchers and all postdoctoral scholars within the institute. This forum provides a unique privilege and an invaluable opportunity for each research faculty member, serving as a speaker, to introduce their research field, promote the subject within the institute, and ignite the potential for future collaborations with other research groups within the institute.

The lecture format consists of a 30-minute colloquium-style presentation, thoughtfully tailored to be accessible to postdoctoral scholars and researchers from diverse disciplines within the institute. Following the presentation, a 15-minute discussion session is anticipated, involving active participation from postdocs representing various fields.

It is mandatory for all postdocs at the institute to actively participate in this event. The enthusiastic involvement of faculty members is greatly valued and will prove mutually beneficial for both the speaker and the junior audience.


Yuval Peres


Probability Theory

Artan Sheshmani


Algebraic Geometry

Hossein Yavartanoo


Mathematical Physics

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