# Time
Fri., 10:00 am, Nov. 22, 2024
# Venue
Please go to Shuangqing B725 and attend the seminar through Online Zoom together, for the zoom capacity is limited.
We investigate the differential geometry of the moduli space of instantons on S^3 x S^1. Extending previous results, we show that a sigma-model with this target space can be expected to possess a large N=4 superconformal symmetry, supporting speculations that this sigma-model may be dual to Type IIB superstring theory on AdS_3 x S^3 x S^3 x S^1. The sigma-model is parametrized by three integers — the rank of the gauge group, the instanton number, and a “level” (the integer coefficient of a topologically nontrivial B-field, analogous to a WZW level). These integers are expected to correspond to two five-brane charges and a one-brane charge. The sigma-model is weakly coupled when the level, conjecturally corresponding to one of the five-brane changes, becomes very large, keeping the other parameters fixed. The central charges of the large N=4 algebra agree, at least semiclassically, with expectations from the duality.