清华主页 EN

Resurgence of TTbar-deformed Partition Function

来源: 12-04

时间:Thur., 13:30, Dec. 5, 2024

地点:Qiuzhen Hall, Ningzhai

主讲人:Yunfeng Jiang

ADS Seminar




Yunfeng Jiang

Southeastern University


Thur., 13:30, Dec. 5, 2024


Qiuzhen Hall, Ningzhai


Resurgence of TTbar-deformed Partition Function


In this talk, I will discuss the torus partition function of TTbar-deformed conformal field theories. I will first review TTbar-deformation with an emphasis on the modular property of the deformed torus partition function. Then I will discuss how to compute the deformed partition function as a formal power series of the deformation parameter and introduce an efficient method to compute the coefficients. The large order perturbative data gives convincing evidence that the series is asymptotic. One can make sense of the asymptotic series and extract non-perturbative contributions from it by resurgence. Finally I will discuss the origin of the non-perturbative contribution, which comes from new complex saddle points after analytically continuing the modular parameters in the integral representation of the partition function.

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