清华主页 EN

NorMatch: Matching Normalizing Flows with Discriminative Classifiers for Semi Supervised Learning

来源: 12-12

时间:Mon., 16:00, Dec. 16, 2024

地点:C548, Shuangqing Complex Building A

组织者:Angelica Aviles-Rivero

主讲人:Zhongying Deng

Math+ML+X Seminar Series Seminar


Angelica Aviles-Rivero


Zhongying Deng

University of Cambridge


Mon., 16:00, Dec. 16, 2024


C548, Shuangqing Complex Building A


Voov (Tencent): 171-242-407


NorMatch: Matching Normalizing Flows with Discriminative Classifiers for Semi Supervised Learning


Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) aims to learn a model using a tiny labeled set and massive amounts of unlabeled data. To better exploit the unlabeled data the latest SSL methods use pseudo-labels predicted from a single discriminative classifier. However, the generated pseudo-labels are inevitably linked to inherent confirmation bias and noise which greatly affects the model performance. In this work we introduce a new framework for SSL named NorMatch. Firstly, we introduce a new uncertainty estimation scheme based on normalizing flows, as an auxiliary classifier, to enforce highly certain pseudo-labels yielding a boost of the discriminative classifiers. Secondly, we introduce a threshold-free sample weighting strategy to exploit better both high and low confidence pseudo-labels. Furthermore, we utilize normalizing flows to model, in an unsupervised fashion, the distribution of unlabeled data. This modelling assumption can further improve the performance of generative classifiers via unlabeled data, and thus, implicitly contributing to training a better discriminative classifier. We demonstrate, through numerical and visual results, that NorMatch achieves state-of-the-art performance on several datasets.
