BIMSA Digital Economy Lab Seminar
Market based mechanism addressing emission mitigation
Speaker: Ying Fan, 范英 (Beihang University)
Time: Jan. 13, 15:20-16:20
Venue: A3-2-303
ZOOM: 230 432 7880 (PW: BIMSA)
Liyan Han, Fei Long, Zhen Li, Ke Tang, Yu Wang
Coping with climate change, Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) is applied in many economies. This presentation will explore the impact of different ETS mechanism designs. Some important issues will be discussed including rate-based allocation approach, inter-temporal allocation and market power. Numerical simulations will be provided.
Speaker Intro
Prof. Ying Fan is a professor and the Dean of the School of Economics and Management at Beihang University, and the director of MOE laboratory of low carbon intelligent governance (LLIG) at Beihang University. She is the Vice President of Systems Engineering Society of China (SESC) and the chief scientist of Committee of Energy Resources System Engineering of SESC. She is former Vice President of International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) and the Asian-Oceania Representative to the council of IAEE.
Her research and teaching fields include energy economics, Energy-Environment-Economy system modeling, Emission Trading Scheme, climate change, and policy analysis. She has carried out over 60 research projects, published over 300 papers in peer reviewed journals. Now she is leading an Innovative research group of NSFC titled “Green oriented complex system management and decision making”.