It has long been know that if x is any real number there exists an infinitude of rational In the area of topology, there has been a lot of exciting progress in recent years. Topological tools and ideas have been used in arithmetic geometry, for instance, topological cyclic homology, and in low dimensional topology, like constructions of new knot and link invariants using homotopy theory and so on. On the other hand, topology has found exciting applications in science and technology. In mathematical physics, topics like topological quantum field theory, quantum anomaly cancellation, topological T-duality, topological insulators, topological order, and others, have made tremendous progress. In modern technology, topology has also played prominent roles. In particular, TDA (topological data analysis) has demonstrated great potential for big data and has been widely used in the study of robotics, materials, chemistry, biology, drug design and discovery. More and more topological tools and ideas have been used in machine learning and deep learning models. The aim of the seminar is to invite top experts and young researchers to introduce and share their progress in the study of topology and its applications. We expect that the seminar will bring potential collaborations and broaden the horizon of young students.
Prof Victor Matveevich Buchstaber is a famous expert in algebraic topology, homotopy theory, and mathematical physics. He received his PhD in 1970 under the supervision of Sergei Novikov and Dr. Sci. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences in 1984 from Moscow State University. In 1974 he was an invited speaker in the International Congress of Mathematicians in Vancouver (Canada). He became a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences In 2006 . Now he is a principle researcher in the Department of Geometry and Topology of the Steklov Mathematical Institute.
Prof Buchstaber is a leading expert of the new-born area of toric topology.