Zoom link:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2715345558?pwd=eXRTTExpOVg4ODFYellsNXZVVlZvQT09Abstract:I will report on joint work with Cristiano Spotti. Chi Li's theory of normalized volumes permits the algebraic determination of tangent cones of singular Kahler-Einstein metrics. The general principle is to extend this to the dynamic setting of families and determine all possible rescaled limits using ...
Abstract:Some Shimura varieties can be interpreted as moduli spaces of curves. In such cases this can be used to get information about modular forms. We discuss a ball quotient related to moduli of curves of genus three. We study cohomology of local systems and calculate the traces of Hecke operators by counting points on curves over finite fields. We also construct all vector-valued Picard mo...