Optical quantum systems possess advantages such as simple bit manipulation and strong noise resistance, making them one of the most convenient and mature experimental platforms for simulating low-qubit systems and exploring fundamental quantum mechanics. Moreover, photons, serving as natural flying qubits, offer unparalleled advantages over other carriers in numerous quantum information processing tasks. In this presentation, I will introduce the experimental platform of optical quantum systems, including discrete devices and integrated chip systems. I will discuss techniques for generating, manipulating, and measuring photon entangled states, as well as recent experimental advancements.
Speaker Intro
Yuanyuan Zhao holds a Ph.D. from the Key Laboratory of Quantum Information at the University of Science and Technology of China and is currently working at the Peng Cheng Laboratory. Her research focuses on quantum information and quantum optics, exploring topics such as optical quantum information processing and experimental investigations into the foundations of quantum mechanics using optical quantum platforms. She has authored over ten papers as the first or corresponding author in journals such as Science Bulletin, Physical Review Letters, and npj Quantum Information.