清华主页 EN

Classical Contributions to Modern Statistical Thinking

来源: 02-21

时间:2.21~6.10 (Tues.) 19:20-21:45

地点:Zoom meeting ID: 849 963 1368 Passcode: YMSC

组织者:Donald Rubin & Per Johansson

主讲人:Donald Rubin & Per Johansson

课程描述 Description

This course will focus on particular documents, either published articles or chapters, that have influenced current approaches to statistical applications and research, including documents from economics, psychology and philosophy.  The plan will be to get participants in the class get fully involved with presenting the content of these documents and evaluating why they have been influential for current practice with the availability of modern computing.

预备知识 Prerequisites

参考资料 References

  • Modern Approach to Classical Integrable Systems

    Record: YesLevel: GraduateLanguage: EnglishPrerequisite:The course is designed for an audience that has previously attended general course of classical or analytical mechanics and courses of higher mathematics: mathematical analysis and differential equations theory.Introduction:For many years, classical mechanics has been the driver of the development of various areas of mathematics. Currently...

  • Some Unsolved Problems in Quantum and Classical Electromagnetics

    Speaker Weng Cho Chew Member of the US National Academy of Engineering, Distinguished Professor in Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue UniversityWeng Cho Chew received all his degrees from MIT. His interests include wave physics, computational electromagnetics, and quantum electromagnetics. He joined Schlumberger-Doll Research in 1981 and then U Illinois in 1985....