清华主页 EN

Introduction to topos quantum theory

来源: 02-27

时间:2023-02-27 ~ 2023-04-06 Mon | Thu 13:30 | 10:40 - 15:05 | 12:15

地点:Room 1129B ZOOM: 482 240 1589 PW: BIMSA

主讲人:William Donovan


Some basic knowledge of quantum mechanics and category theory. Background in logic or algebraic/differential geometry would be helpful.


A topos is a mathematical structure which resembles the category of sets, and furthermore has a notion of localization. This structure has an internal logic associated to it, in which true-false logic may be replaced by multi-valued logic. Topos quantum theory uses this to give a contextual formulation of quantum mechanics. I will give an introduction to these ideas with examples.

Lecturer Intro.

Will Donovan joined Yau MSC, Tsinghua U in 2018. Since 2021 he is an Associate Professor, and Adjunct Associate Professor at BIMSA. His focus is geometry, in particular applying ideas from physics and noncommutative algebra to study varieties, using tools of homological algebra and category theory. He studied at Cambridge U, completed his PhD at Imperial College London, and was postdoctoral researcher at Edinburgh U, UK. From 2014-18 he was research fellow at Kavli IPMU, U Tokyo, where he is now Visiting Associate Scientist. His work is published in journals including Communications in Mathematical Physics and Duke Mathematical Journal. He is supported by China Thousand Talents Plan, and received a Japan Society for Promotion of Science Young Scientist grant award.

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