2023-11-1413:00-14:00李宇翔 ( Tsinghua University )Generalized Helein's Convergence TheoremHelein's Convergence Theorem is a powerful tool for solving variational problems related to the Willmore function. The theorem asserts that a conformal immersion from a 2-disk in $R^n$ with small $L^2$-norm of the second fundamental form, will either converge to a conformal immersion or collapse to a poin...
AbstractIn this presentation, we talk about the stability of the Willmore functional. For an integral 2-varifold in with square integrable gene ralized mean curvature and finite mass, if its Willmore energy is smaller than and the mass is normalized to be, we show that is and bi-Lipschitz close to the standard embedding of the round sphere in a quantitative way when For, we prove that the sharp...