清华主页 EN

Riemann Surfaces

来源: 03-16

时间:2023-03-16 ~ 2023-06-15 Tue, Thu 09:50 - 11:25

地点:Room 1120 ZOOM: 518 868 7656 PW: BIMSA

主讲人:Sebastian Heller


Riemann surfaces have played a fundamental role in mathematics since the 19th century. I will give a detailed introduction to Riemann surfaces focusing on the beautiful interplay between complex analysis and geometry.

Lecturer Intro.

・ PhD in 2008, Humboldt Universitat Berlin, Germany ・ Habilitation in 2014, Universitat Tubingen, Germany ・ Researcher at Universities of Heidelberg, Hamburg, Hannover, 2014-2022 ・ Research Fellow at Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications from September 2022 on ・ Research interests: minimal surfaces, harmonic maps, Riemann surfaces, Higgs bundles, moduli spaces, visualisation and experimental mathematics

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