清华主页 EN

Elements of non-commutative algebraic geometry

来源: 10-16

时间:2023-10-16 ~ 2024-01-12 Mon,Wed,Fri 15:20-16:55

地点:Venue: A3-2-301 Zoom: 388 528 9728 (PW: BIMSA)

主讲人:Slava Pimenov (Assistant Professor)


The classical theory of algebraic geometry connects geometric concepts with corresponding notions in commutative algebra. In the recent decades there was an interest in building a parallel theory based on associative (non-commutative) algebras. We will discuss the basic ideas of this developing theory mostly following Ginzburg's lectures as well as several more recent papers.

The class will consist of two parts:

1. The first 2/3 will be lectures read by me: Mon, Wed, Fri, Oct 16 - Nov 17, 15:20 - 16:55, room a3-2-301.

2. The last third of the class will be for students to give talks to each other on the related topics. For this part we will meet once a week on Fridays from Nov 24 until Jan 12, 15:20 - 16:55, room a3-2-301.

Lecturer Intro

I have MSc degree in Applied Math / Computer Science from St. Petersburg IFMO and PhD in pure mathematics from Yale University. From 2014 to 2022 I held postdoctoral and visiting researcher positions in Japan, UK, Germany and France. I've joined BIMSA in 2023.

My current research interests include geometric representation theory, super groups and non-commutative algebraic geometry.

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