课程信息主题:组合数学时间:周四下午14:05—15:40直播信息:THU 求真书院(b站)主讲人介绍马杰清华大学 / 中国科学技术大学 教授课程内容简介Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics, originating in the ancient art of counting objects and playing crucial roles in contemporary computer science and technology. This 8-lecture course is designed to offer a thorough and accessible overview of combinatorics...
课程信息主题:初等代数时间:周五下午14:05—15:40直播信息:THU 求真书院(b站)主讲人介绍莫仲鹏上海数学与交叉学科研究院、苏州大学教授课程内容简介Abstract algebra is the foundation of much of modern mathematics, but its origin can be traced back to the ancient problem of finding a formula for the roots of polynomial equations in terms of radicals, as well as Gauss' famous construction of the regul...