清华主页 EN

Comparison Theorems in Riemannian Geometry

来源: 09-09

时间:08:50 - 10:35, Mon,Wed, 9/19/2022 - 12/14/2022

地点:Venue: 1129B Zoom: 482 240 1589 PW: BIMSA

主讲人:Pengyu Le (Assistant Research Fellow)

Record: No

Level: Graduate

Language: Chinese


Multivariable Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equation, Basics of Riemannian Geometry (optional)


The course will cover various comparison theorems under different curvature conditions in Riemannian geometry.


1. Riemannian Geometry - Peter Petersen

2. Comparison Theorems in Riemannian Geometry - Jeff Cheeger, D. G. Ebin


1. Basics of Riemannian manifolds (quick review)

2. Jacobi fields

3. Sectional curvature comparison

4. Ricci curvature comparison

5. Selected topics

Lecturer Intro

Lecturer Email: pengyu.le@bimsa.cn

TA: Dr. Xuefeng Feng, fengxuefeng@bimsa.cn

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