杨宇红教授1996年获得美国耶鲁大学统计学博士,现为美国明尼苏达大学统计系教授及Director of Graduate Studies。他曾荣获美国国家科学基金会杰出青年教授奖(NSF CAREER Award),此奖项每年只有1-2名学者获此殊荣。并于2010年成为(国际)数理统计学会会士。曾主持美国自然科学基金项目4项。其研究兴趣包括高维数据分析理论、模型选择和组合、多臂老虎机问题(Multi-Arm Bandit)、精准医学统计、预测,并在这些领域建立了很多重要且深刻的理论和方法,发表论文70余篇,其中18篇为独立作者(single author)。这些论文发表在统计、机器学习、信息论、计量经济、预测、逼近论等领域顶尖刊物,如Annals of Statistics, JASA, Biometrika, JRSSB, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Journal of Econometrics等,在Google Scholar上的引用多达4000多次。
We will continue from the previous lectures and mainly focus on two topics: 1. Demonstrations of model selection and model averaging methods with R; 2. Model assessment from goodness of fit perspectives. For the latter, when models are used for classification, it is important to note that the currently dominating practice of using classification accuracy to evaluate a model may not be proper in terms of addressing the question whether the model can be improved or not regardless of how accurate (or inaccurate) it may be. We will present recent developments in this area.