清华主页 EN

Lectures on singularities

来源: 05-26

时间:Mon. & Fri., 9:50-11:25 am May 27-June 24, July 8-July 26, 2024

地点:B725, Shuangqing Complex Building A 清华大学双清综合楼A座 B725

主讲人:Nero Budur Professor at KU Leuven YMSC Visiting Scholar


The lectures will be an introdution to different aspects of singularities of algebraic varieties motivated by open problems such as the monodromy conjecture, the Nash problem, the Zariski multiplicity conjecture, the Arc-Floer conjecture.


algebraic geometry (varieties, schemes, sheaves, cohomology)

Target Audience:

Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students

Teaching Language:



About the speaker

Nero Budur's research area is algebraic geometry. He is a professor at KU Leuven, mathematics department. He is also a visiting professor at YMSC, Tsinghua University (from May 21 to June 27, 2024 ), and an external scientific member of BCAM Bilbao.

Speaker website:


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