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The Hitchin map and the spectral base

来源: 10-02

时间:Tues., 14:00-16:00, Oct.8, 2024 Mon., 10:00-12:00, Oct.14, 2024

地点:C658, Shuangqing Complex Building A

主讲人:Jie Liu

The Hitchin map and the spectral base


Jie Liu 刘杰



Tues., 14:00-16:00, Oct.8, 2024

Mon., 10:00-12:00, Oct.14, 2024


C658, Shuangqing Complex Building A


We review the recent progress on Chen-Ngo's conjecture on the image of Hitchin map of moduli stack of Higgs bundles over higher dimensional projective manifolds. During the lectures, the following topics will be discussed: the classical case for curves, the non-abelian Hodge theory and the rigidity of representations of fundamental groups. Based on joint works with Siqi He and Ngaiming Mok.

  • The spectral base of Hitchin maps | GRASP seminar

    AbstractLet X be a projective manifold. The Hitchin morphism is a map from the moduli stack of Higgsbundles over X to the Hitchin base, which sends a Higgs bundle to its characteristic polynomial. lfX is a curve, it is well-known that the Hitchin morphism is surjective and it plays an important rolein the study of the moduli space of Higgs bundles. However, if X has dimension at least two, theH...

  • Moduli Spaces and Related Topics | Hitchin morphism for projective varieties

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