清华主页 EN

Workshop on Sheaf Stable Pairs and Birational Geometry

来源: 06-07

时间: Jun. 08, 2024

地点:YMSC-C548 ZOOM: 293 812 9202 Password: BIMSA

组织者:Caucher Birkar ( YMSC & BIMSA ) Artan Sheshmani ( BIMSA )

主讲人:Caucher Birkar ( YMSC & BIMSA ) Chandranandan Gangopadhyay ( IISER Pune ) Hyeonjun Park ( Korea institute For Advanced Study ) Artan Sheshmani ( BIMSA )


The one-day workshop will discuss several foundational aspects of Grothendieck's Quot schemes, the moduli space of coherent systems, and especially the sheaf stable pairs theory, and explore the interaction between these constructions and Enumerative algebraic geometry and Birational geometry.


Caucher Birkar ( YMSC & BIMSA )

Chandranandan Gangopadhyay ( IISER Pune )

Hyeonjun Park ( Korea institute For Advanced Study )

Artan Sheshmani ( BIMSA )



Artan Sheshmani ( BIMSA )

Sheaf Stable Pairs and Enumerative Geometry


Caucher Birkar ( YMSC & BIMSA )

Sheaf Stable Pairs and Birational Geometry


Chandranandan Gangopadhyay ( IISER Pune )

NEF and Effective Cones of some Quot Schemes


Hyeonjun Park ( Korea institute For Advanced Study )

Counting Surfaces on Calabi-Yau 4-folds

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