Birational Geometry WorkshopThis workshop is devoted to an in-depth study of the recent work "Singularities on Fano fibrations and beyond" by Caucher Birkar. This work establishes several fundamental problems in birational geometry. 28 June 11:00-12:00Caucher BirkarIntroduction14:00-15:00Roberto SvaldiToroidal geometry and toroidalisation of fibrations (Online) (sections 3,4)15:30-16:30Chen Jia...
Abstract We study the birational boundedness of special fibers of log Calabi-Yau fibrations and Fano fibrations. We show that for a locally stable family of Fano varieties or polarised log Calabi-Yau pairs over a curve, if the general fiber satisfies some natural boundedness conditions, then every irreducible component of the special fiber is birationally bounded.About the speaker 焦骏鹏,清华...